John S. Niles, President of Global Telematics
"TODs and Park & Rides, Which is Appropriate Where?" Mineta Transportation Institute Research Snaps webinar, March 4, 2021
"Buying Traffic Decongestion by Paying Drivers to Become Passengers," Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 13, 2020
"Perspectives on Vehicle Automation," Washington State Transportation Commission, Olympia, Washington, December 17, 2019
"ACES for All: New Mobility for the Mobility Disadvantaged," ACES South King County/Renton Planning Session, Renton, Washington, September 10, 2019
"Driverless Cars: Barriers, Enablers, Uncertainties" Canadian Transportation Research Forum, Vancouver, BC Canada, May 27, 2019
"How Do Auckland Citizens Get What They Want From Driverless Cars?" Beca Auditorium, Auckland, New Zealand, February 16, 2018
"Advanced Transportation Technologies and City of SeaTac," Council of the City of SeaTac, Washington, March 14, 2017
"Automated Vehicles, More Driving, and The End of Driving," Urban Land Institute Autonomous Vehicle Research Group, online nationwide, August 12, 2016
"Making the Leap Toward Sustainable Urban Robo-Transit," poster for the Florida Automated Vehicle Summit, Jacksonville, Florida, December 3, 2015
"Vehicle Automation, Challenge and Opportunities," MIT Enterprise Forum of the Northwest, Seattle, October 29, 2014, video highlights.
"Connectivity and Automated Driving," Annual General Meeting of Intelligent Transportation Society of Canada, Victoria, BC June 4, 2014
"Transforming Transportation with Electric, Connected, and Increasingly Automated Vehicles," International Municipal Signal Association and Institute of Transportation Engineers, Seattle Joint Meeting, February 11, 2013
"The Future of Roads, Automobiles, and Public Transit," Eastside Transportation Association, Bellevue, WA, June 20, 2012
"From BRT to Better Buses: Applying Individual Elements of BRT To Improve Service," Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Bus Committee, Washington, DC, January 25, 2011, with Elizabeth Delmont of Breakthrough Technologies Institute
"Transportation Economics: Examples from Central Puget Sound Region," Seattle University, November 10, 2010.
"Will Retail Shopping on the Internet Change Travel Behavior?" Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 13, 2009.
"Unsound Rail Transit: The Battle in Seattle," Grassroots Institute of Hawaii, February 2008.
"What Does Media Choice Research Reveal About Transportation Disruption?" Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 23, 2007.
Global Trends: Implications for Transportation Planning and Investment, Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 23, 2006.
Telecommuting and the Family and Medical Leave Act, Congressional Roundtable on the Tenth Anniversary of the Family and Medical Leave Act, Capitol Hill, Washington, DC February 5, 2003.
"Telecommunications Substitution for Transportation," STELLA (Sustainable Transport in Europe and Links and Liaisons with America) Focus Group Meeting, Arlington, Virginia, January 15, 2002.
"Technology and Transportation: The Dynamic Relationship" for Discovery Institute, Seattle, September 2001.
"Wheels and Wires," at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, February 2000.
"Playa Vista: Will a Wired Community Promote a Wired City?," (with Dilara El-Assaad Rodriguez) a presentation and paper for Cities in the Global Information Society: An International Perspective, Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, November 22-24, 1999
"Introduction to Communications Technology -- From Wireline to Wireless," at RuralTeleCon '99, Aspen, CO, October 10, 1999,
"Enhancing Planners' Knowledge of Non-Work Trip Making Through Improvements in the National Personal Transportation Survey," (with Dick Nelson) at a Transportation Research Board Conference, Personal Travel: The Long and the Short of It, Washington, DC, June 30, 1999.
"Sprawl and Congestion: Are Light Rail, High Density Living and 'Transit-Oriented Development' the Answer?," an El Pomar Policy Leadership Forum from Center for the New West, examining the impact of mass transit construction on land use and travel behavior.Colorado Springs, CO, June 16-17, 1999
"Adding Telecommunications to the Planning Mix: Modifying and Tuning Smart Growth," at the Cascadia Pacific - Heartland Forum, Bellingham, Washington, April 29, 1999.
"Will Retailing Collide With TOD?," an interactive panel and moderated discussion at the 1999 American Planning Association National Planning Conference, Seattle, April 28, 1999. Background paper.
"Technology and Your Economy: Getting Wired for the Future," a presentation to the Inland Northwest Partners Spring Meeting in Pullman, Washington, March 1999
"A Prerequisite to Planning for Transit-Oriented Development: Understanding Non-Work Activity Location Patterns and Trends" (with Dick Nelson) at the Seventh National Conference on the Application of Transportation Planning Methods, Boston, March 1999.
"Measuring the Success of Transit-Oriented Development: Retail Market Dynamics and Other Key Determinants," a special briefing hosted by Alvin McNeal, Manager of Joint Development, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, Center for the New West, American Planning Association, and Urban Land Institute in Washington, DC, February 1999.
"Market Dynamics and Nonwork Travel Patterns: Obstacles to Transit-Oriented Development?" (with Dick Nelson) at the Annual Conference of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 1999.
"Rural Telebusiness and Community Networks" at a conference Telecommunications -- The Future is Now! organized by Quest for Economic Development, Wenatchee Valley Community College, and GTE in Wenatchee, Washington, November 1998.
"Teleworking," at the 1998 Graduate Leadership & Management Institute of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Indiana University, Indianapolis, October 1998.
"Local Strategies for Advancing Telecom Infrastructure" at Rural TeleCon '98, Aspen, Colorado, October 1998.
"Optimizing Telework, Flextime, and Officing for Workforce 2020" at Hudson Institute's Workforce 2020 Conference, Indianapolis, September 1998.
"Government Roads: Asphalt, Concrete ... Maybe Digital?" at the FARNET Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, March 1998.
Featured presenter at the Telecommunications Panel organized by Clallam County Public Utility District in Port Angeles, Washington, February 1998.
Organizer and moderator of "Wired Communities, Smart States: Is Digital Infrastructure the New Public Works?" part of the Center for the New West El Pomar Policy Leadership Forum series, Colorado Springs, Colorado, November, 1997.
"Telecom: What's New for Economic Developers," for the Council for Urban Economic Development annual conference, Miami, Florida, September, 1997.
"On the Network, Or in a Room" an online workshop presented worldwide over the Internet for Virtual CivicNet 97, June 16-25, 1997
"Telecommunications for All Trip Types in an MPO Transportation Model" at the Sixth Transportation Research Board Conference on the Application of Transportation Planning Methods, Dearborn, Michigan, May 22, 1997, with Ellen Williams of Ellen Williams & Associates, Inc.
"What Does Telecommunications Mean for Transportation?" a plenary presentation at a conference of the Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers, Transportation in the Information Age, Vancouver, British Columbia, April 1997.
"Considering Telecommunications for All Trip Types in a Metropolitan Region's Transportation Model" at a conference Urban Design, Telecommunications, and Travel Behavior, Williamsburg, Virginia, October 1996.
"Beyond Telecommuting to Anywhere/Anytime" workshop at Telecommuting World 1996, San Francisco, September 1996.
"Telecommuting, Teleworking ... What's Next?" plenary presentation at the annual meeting of the International Teleworking Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 1996.
"Technology Platforms for the TeleVillage" at an international conference, The Televillage: Building the Intelligent Community, Dallas, Texas, May 1996.
"Telesubstitution and Virtual Transportation: Will It Increase or Decrease Transportation Demand?" for the Symposium on Challenges and Opportunities for Global Transportation in the 21st Century at the John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 1995.
"Introductory Remarks on Telecommunications for Urban Development" as Chairman of the Telecommunications Panel at the United Nations Habitat II Global Workshop on Transport and Communication for Urban Development, Singapore, July 1995.
"Information Infrastructure: No Easy Road to Sustainable Development" at the Ties That Bind Conference, sponsored by Apple Computer and The Morino Institute, Cupertino, California, May 1995.
"The Web, A New Gateway to the World" at the Carnegie Bosch Institute International Conference on High Performance Global Corporations, Boca Raton, Florida, April 1995.
"Telecommuting: The Bigger Picture" at the Information Technology Showcase, Ballston, Virginia, April 1995.
"Telecommuting and Telebusiness" for the GTE Telephone Operations Community Economic Development Management Seminar, Dallas, Texas, April 1995.
"Telebusiness in the 90's" for GTE and the City of St. Peters, Missouri, March 1995.
"Integrating Telecommunications into Transportation Planning," Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 1995.
"Telecommunications: Key Issues and Trends" for the Rural Futures Forum, Sunriver, Oregon, December 1994.
"The Urban Televillage: Opportunities for Income and Lifestyle," at a multi-company conference, Creating the Televillage, Tampa, Florida, November 1994.
"Good News and Bad News About Telecommunications and Urban Travel," at the ALT-TRANS Summit, Creating an Alternative Transportation Future, Seattle, Washington, September 1994.
"Telecommunications Policy Primer" at When the Internet Comes to Town, the First Regional Workshop of the Center for Civic Networking, Madison, Wisconsin, June 1994.
"The Information Highway, A Map for Road Warriors" for the Sprint/United Northwest Management Conference, Hood River, Oregon, May 1994.
"Telecommunications and Transportation in a Developing Economy, " at the Pacific Telecommunications Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 1994.
"Telematics, Telecommuting, and Telecollaboration," for the Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington, December 1993.
"What Technology is Suited for Telecommuters and How to Select the Right Technology," for the Commonwealth of Virginia Telecommuting Institute and Telework Conference, Williamsburg, Virginia, September 1993.
"Why You Must Implement Telecommuting Now," for The National Telecommuting and Telework Management Conference, San Jose, California, August 1993.
"Telecommunications and Transportation," for the World Future Society General Assembly, Washington, DC, June 1993.
"The Changing Workplace" and "Technology Implications" for the U.S. Government General Services Administration Telecommuting Center Symposium, Washington, DC, June 1993.
"Overview of Telecommunications Technology and Applications," for the Washington State House of Representatives Subcommittee on Telecommunications, Seattle, Washington, June 1993.
"The Why and How of Telecommuting," for the United States Department of Energy, Office of Scientific Computing, Germantown, Maryland, January 1993.
"Telecommuting for Rural Revitalization," at the Puget Sound Telecommuting Advisory Council, Seattle, December 1992.
"Telecommunications NorthWest Info-Share Project Briefing," for the Pacific NorthWest Economic Region 1992 Annual Plenary Session, Portland, Oregon, December 1992.
"Primer on Telecommuting," sponsored by State of Oregon Executive Department and the Oregon Department of Energy, Salem, Oregon, November 1992.
"More Telecommuting Means More Beautiful Suburban Sprawl," at the Telecommute '92 Great Debate, Washington, DC, October 1992.
"Introduction to Telecommuting," for the Westshore Transportation Management Association, sponsored by GTE South, Tampa, Florida, October 1992.
"Using Telecommuting to Grow Your Business," by audioconference between Seattle and Tampa, for the Tampa Bay Urban Leadership Seminar Series, September 1992.
"Telecommunications: Tying It All Together," for the Florida Governor's Conference on World Trade & Enterprise Florida, Orlando, May 1992.
"Diversity, Opportunity, and Choice in Telecommunications," for the 1992 Annual Meeting of the Washington Independent Telephone Association, Yakima, Washington, May 1992.
"IVHS Technology for Improving Ridesharing," at the 1992 Annual Meeting of the Intelligent Vehicle Highway System of America, Newport Beach, California, May 1992.
"From Farm House to Computer Cottage -- Diversified Rural Enterprises for the New Economy," at the American Farm Bureau Federation Young Farmer and Rancher Conference, Philadelphia, February 1992.
"Dynamic Ride Matching," at the Transportation Research Board 71st Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 1992.
"Telecommunications for Economic Development and for the Environment," at the GTE Common Ground workshop luncheon, Cerritos, California, October 1991.
"Maintaining Diversity, Opportunity, and Choice in Telecommunications," at the Lewis and Clark College Telecommunications Conference, Portland, Oregon, October 1991.
"Telecommuting: A New Workstyle with an Old Twist," the keynote speech at the Bay Area Telecommuting Forum, Walnut Creek, California, September 1991.
"Future Developments in Telecommunications," at an internal meeting of Cellular One western states government relations managers, Kirkland, Washington, August 1991.
"Telecommuting and Economic Development," at a University of California Transportation Policy Conference, Irvine, July 1991.
"The Case for Telework Centers," at the Minnesota Telecommuting Conference, Minneapolis, May 1991.
"Telecommuting: Transportation Option for the 90's," at a meeting of the Bellevue (Washington) Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee, March 1991.
"New Locations for Jobs and for Training" at the Northwest Private Industry Councils' Annual Conference, Spokane, Washington, January 1991.
"The Information Age in Rural Utah" for the Project 2000 Rural Economic Summit, Orem, Utah, November 1990.
"Online Catalogs -- The Future of Price Presentations" at The Pricing Advisor's Conference, Chicago, October 1990.
"Telephone Company Video Entry" at the Lewis and Clark College Telecommunications Conference, Portland, Oregon, September 1990.
"Online Networks for Small Business" at the Ohio State University Center for Advanced Study in Telecommunications Summer Symposium, Columbus, August 1990.
"Revitalizing Places: Rural Washington Case Study" at a Pacific Northwest Policymakers Regional Retreat, Otter Crest, Oregon, May 1990.
"Telecommunications for Urban-Rural Balanced Growth" at the Pacific Telecommunications Conference, Honolulu, January 1990.
"Civic Leadership Coalitions and Regional Development" at the National Civic League Conference on Government, Denver, October 1989.
"Telecommuting and Economic Development" as invited testimony for the Washington State Senate Economic Development and Labor Committee, Seattle, October 1989.
"State Government Telecommunications and Economic Development" for the National Conference of State Legislators Annual Meeting, Tulsa, August 1989.
"Telematics as a Force for Development" at the Center for the New West Crossroads Seminar, Denver, July 1989.
"Telecommunications in Rural Areas and for Economic Development" for the Washington State Utilities and Transportation Commission Policy Roundtable, Seattle, August 1988.
"Telematics and Economic Development in Washington State" for the U S WEST Academic Seminar, Keystone, Colorado, August 1988.
"Using Telematics for Economic Development" for the National League of Cities Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, December 1987.
"Computer-Based Professional Networks" for the American Society for Information Science, Kelso, Washington, September 1987.
"Building Regional Economies on the Telecommunications Infrastructure" for the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors, Milwaukee, September 1987.
"Information Technology Applications for City Council" for the National League of Cities Council Staff Conference, Seattle, August 1987.
"Increasing Government Productivity Through Telecommunications" for the National League of Cities, San Antonio, November 1986.
"Management of The Telecommunications Infrastructure" for the American Society of Civil Engineers, Seattle, April 1986.
"Municipal Reference Services using the Local Government Information Network" for American Library Association, Chicago, July 1985.
"The Role of Industrial Engineers in State and Local Government Cutback Management," American Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, November 1982 (650K PDF image copy)
Last modified, May14, 2021